Friday, September 3, 2010

Awkwardness: Those Weird Little Moments You Try To Avoid

I am now a college freshman, and with my new found knowledge (I know most of the campus by heart now), I would like to talk about a very serious subject.


See, I made you squirm. It happens to everybody, and there seems to be no cure in sight. But there are treatments, and people with nothing else to do are working very hard to find a way to help people who come in contact with it everyday.

And in case you have been living in a cave for the last 10 years, I will break it down. Awkwardness means many things- lacking skill, lacking balance (clumsiness), lacking social skills, hard to deal with, embarrassing. But most of all, I think it means lack of social grace.

For example. I was sitting at breakfast this morning, eating across from two girls from Nepal. Don't get me wrong, they were very nice and cool people. But it was still kind of awkward, I didn't know them well, and it was sometimes hard to hear them through their accents. We were polite, and smiled at each other, but, nevertheless, there was awkwardness.

Then again, maybe awkwardness isn't so bad. Maybe it reminds us that we're human, that we're new to stuff, that we don't have it all figured out. I bet the most famous relationships in history started with some awkward moments.

So, lets all raise our glasses to being awkward! Awkward forever!!

Or, maybe not...(Awkward turtle)

(P.S. Greetings from Galesburg!)

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