Sunday, November 7, 2010

Printers, Babies and Rollarskates

So, chances are you've seen that new HP Printer commercial with the baby zooming across the U.S in a baby bouncer (also called a play saucer). She zooms past cows in a field and weaves through traffic like a pro. It's actually pretty humorous. The video was too big for the blog, but I did manage to get the link:

There's a little folk song that plays during the commercial that's stuck in my head so, of course, I had to look it up. With a little digging I found the song- "Brand New Key" by Melanie Safka.

Melanie Safka, who often went by just Melanie, was most popular from the late sixties through the late eighties, though she's really one of those singers who was never really that popular. She's still recording though. This particular song came out in 1971 on the album Gather Me. I love the lyrics and the folk influence, especially since I'm going through a indie folk/indie/folk stage. Have fun with this one kids.


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