There are three words that define a lot about me and my personality.
I'm an introvert.
In case you don't know what an introvert is, an introvert is a person who draws in energy by being alone for a while. The opposite is an extrovert, who draws in energy by being around people. Most people are a good mix of the two. As for myself, I am, according to the Meyer's Brigg Personality Test, 89% introverted. That's pretty significant.
You may wonder how this is at all related to music or you or life in general. I mean, who cares, right? WRONG!

So, I tried to be more outgoing, I tried to go to parties. And then, I just couldn't do it. It drained me so much, I felt like I was falling out of myself. Today was a prime example of that. When I don't talk, my friends continuously ask if 'I'm okay.' I appreciate their concern, but I don't have to be talking to be okay.

Well, I don't. I tell my friends how I'm feeling sometimes, and sometimes I don't, but they don't always respond to what I'm saying. Scratch that, they don't listen (when someone tells you they have been depressed for five days, you follow up!) I DO listen (most of the time), and I pride myself on this.
See, I love being an innie. Even though I was trying to be more outgoing (I didn't want to lose my friends), I like that I am more reflective and thoughtful than the usually loud and impulsive exies. I couldn't even imagine being like this. And even though Psych Today reports that there are 50% innies and exies, it doesn't seem like it.

Guess what exies? We like the way we are, just like you do. I'm not trying to be mean, I just think exies think they have it best. They don't. Things like this are relative, it depends on the person. I observe things you will never see, I have time to myself, I have the ability to process info in an entirely new light, AND... I think before I speak. And even though this is an extroverted world, I will be fine.
For some reason, people seem uncomfortable when I say this. Like its this horrible thing, an ailment, or its shyness (ITS NOT). I told my friend the other day, and she gave me a look that said, 'Why should it matter?'

Yes, I am an introvert. I have the communication skills needed to succeed. I don't make snap decisions, but consider the possible outcomes. I take time to just be alone. And, no, I'm not the life of the party. But I can be the life of your conversation. And (not saying all exies believe these) if you can't deal with the fact that there are some people in this world who don't overpower others in a conversation, actually listen, or don't go to clubs on a Tuesday, oh well.
And guess what?
Innies rule.
P.S- Here's a cool article I read yesterday. Psych rocks!! http://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/201008/revenge-the-introvert

P.P.S.S- The kids are so cute!!!
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