Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Awkwardness Part Three: Holiday Awkwardness

It really is that time of year again. The holidays. Children around the world rejoice, while the rest of us simply groan. Just kidding, there are really people out there who still enjoy the holidays. But there are also a large group of people who don't look forward to dealing with other people. For this post, I'm going to focus on a certain group of people: young adults. For YAs, the holidays can be very good...or not so good.

In fact, they can be quite awkward.

Imagine it, talking to relatives you haven't seen in a few years, who remark on how you have or haven't grown (sorry short dudes), asking about your G.P.A (don't wanna know) or whether or not you have a boyfriend/girlfriend or gotten married yet.

For some of us stuck in a limbo moment (I'm not going to college, I dropped out, I dumped that chick three weeks ago), it can be even more awkward. How do we answer the questions that people really have no business asking?

Awkward Cat.

Well, I don't know. But I do know how we can avoid/diffuse these situations. Ask for more chicken, say 'no comment', take a swig of vodka (if you're of age), remark on how the fruitcake is extra nutty this year, hold somebody's baby, or trip one of your annoying cousins as he runs through the house (again). Other than that, you just have to get through it.

On a serious note, though, everyone should really be thankful for all that they have, especially family. Families can be hard to deal with (people are complex, remember?), but they are very worth it. How else are you going to get your 20 minutes of laughter a day?

Plus, you can always head back to your dorm/apartment and kick it til Easter. See ya suckers!

Awkward turtle says "Happy Holidays!"


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