Monday, December 13, 2010

Coldplay Does Christmas... New Music Monday!

Hey my Monday peoples! Well, the title says it all, this week's new song is a little dilly by an experienced British by the name of Coldplay. They just so happen to be my all-time favorite band and when I found out they'd made a Christmas song, I couldn't resist the opportunity to feature them right here on the SMP.

The song is "Christmas Lights" by Coldplay, and I have to say, I love the video. I hope my bias isn't affecting how good/bad the song is! I'm usually a little skeptical of new Christmas music, since the old stuff is often not as good as the holiday music from the 40s to 90s. Coldplay has created an original that really does give you that fuzzy warm feeling inside. Feel the love!


As is customary, an explanation of Christmas. Or, at least, part one of an explanation, since I'm devoting two NMMs to this particular holiday (only because it has the most music!). Christmas began as Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, which means "the birthday of the unconquered sun". It was more of a winter festival celebrated because of the winter solstice. During the winter solstice the sun reversed it's southward retreat and seemed to be unconquered and experiencing a rebirth. Some early Christian writers connected the rebirth of the sun with the birth of Jesus Christ. It wasn't until the year 354 that Christmas was even documented as being celebrated on December 25th. You'll have to check back next week for the rest of the story!

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